On the feast of St. Clare, and in the city of Our Lady, the Lord poured powerful of purity into our hearts. The day began with the great gift and priviledge of going into the baths of Lourdes. Through a miracle we were able to enter as a group in front of the line. Before going in, we had a time of profound silence and prayer in order to prepare ourselves for the graces of healing that the Lord would be giving us through the miraculous waters. With us spiritually, we took all of our families, loved ones, and those who in need of healing. We asked Our Lady to purify us from deep within, going down to the very root of our sins. In a special way, we went in for all those who remained at home, receiving graces on their behalf. It was a profound and deep moment of grace for all our hearts.
Our day culminated by receiving and being with the only One who can bring this purification about: our Lord. We had Mass together again in
St. Gabriel chapel, in which Fr. Adam exhorted us to take up more fully Our Lady's call to penance, in order to purify the world and ourselves. We culminated our encounter with our Eucharistic Lord with a powerful time of Adoration. In this time, the Lord personally invited us to make Him Lord of our hearts and lives, knocking gentely on the door of our hearts, inviting us to open. He "opened the floodgates of heaven" pouring down a torrent of healing water for all those who would choose to receive him.
Finally, we made a final night visit to the grotto to thank Our Lady for all the graces that she bestowed on us today. We praise and thank the Lord for all that he has been healing, restoring and rebuilding in us. May He praised forever.
God bless you all!