Another day full of dirt, heat, fatigue....and GRACE. What a gift was today. We again gathered in the morning after another night with our dear host families, and headed off to our morning catechesis session in the Love and Life Center. However, when we got there, it was full and we were not able to enter. The Lord had other plans....
Therefore, we decided to go back to visit the dear Visitation nuns again to see if we would be able to celebrate Mass in their chapel, since we could not enter the other. Beautifully, the Sisters again opened the doors of their convent and chapel to us. Upon our arrival, it was evident that the Lord intended it that way to begin with. On the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we celebrated a votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in preparation for the consecration to the Sacred Heart the Holy Father will be leading the youth in making at the Vigil this weekend. Very powerfully, we were celebrating this Mass in the convent of the Visitation, the order of St. Margaret Mary, to whom was given the revelation of the Sacred Heart; a painting of this revelation was the prominent background of the sacntuary in the chapel. Therefore, we were able to celebrate an intimate Mass in this beautiful chapel together. It was a profound and moving Mass, a gift for all our hearts.
Finally, the moment arrived....the Holy Father arrived! First, we watched on the big screens as he entered the city in his pope-mobile, being greeted by great crowd lining miles of city streets. He stopped at the gates of the city, for a ceremony in which the mayor of Madrid presented him with the keys of the city. Then he continued on to enter
Cibeles square where he was greeted with roars by well over a million youth.....and we prayed he would come our way. And then much to our great joy, the pope-mobile turned and headed up the street our way! We roar increased as he came closer, and the crowds pressed us in. But we were right at the edge of the barrier, some in the first row awaiding our Shepherd. Finally, he passed by, just feet in front of us, waving and greeting us! What a jubilation! And the joy only increased when we he turned around and came back by us again! Some of the students found themselves crying with unexplainable joy.....
What a powerful encounter it finally be able to greet our beloved Peter. All the difficulties of the day faded in the light of this joy. Everyone was deeply touched by the loving encounter with their Papa. What a connection and union of hearts we experienced between him and us. What joy he had in his smile as he waved to us one last time. We have deep gratitude in our hearts for all he is and all he chooses to carry for the sake of us his children. May we, just like today, always be willing to stand by and be present with and for him....even when it is difficult. We love you, Holy Father, and are proud to be your faithful children!
Viva el Papa! Esta es la juventud del Papa!